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RendView Manual -- Logger and Admin Port

The logger can save messages RendView normally writes to the terminal so that you can query them using the remote admin port.
The admin port allows you to do more than just querying messages.

Message Logger

The message logger has two history buffers for logging messages: One for errors, warnings and special verbose messages and one for any messages. Both buffers have a limited size; if more messages are to be stored than the limit, the oldest messages get overwritten. Note that messages stored in both buffers consume memory only once.

The idea behind the two-buffer-system is that you may wish to use a fairly large history size for the errors and warnings (and special verbose) and a smaller one which holds all messages (normal verbose and errors, warnings). Hence, you will get all errors and only the last couple of all messages kept in order.

Note that the message history is completely useless if you do not use the remote admin port.
Note that the message logger can only log those messages actually generated. Hence, if you use -verbose=-all, then no verbose messages will ever get displayed or logged irrespective of what settings you specify at the message logger.

Parameters for the message logger

These parameters are understood by the message logger:
What messages to write to the terminal. Turn on/off different types of messages using + and - prefixes, possible flags are:
e: error messages
w: warning messages
s: special (verbose) messages
v: normal verbose messages
d: debug (verbose) messages
a: all of the above messages
P: also write a message prefix
The message prefix (+P) is E: for error messages, W: for warnings and S: for special verbose messages.
The default is +ewsvd-P.
Size in number of messages for the error/warning/special verbose message history.
Default size is 0.
Size in number of messages for the general message history buffer.
Default size is 0.
What messages to store in the general message buffer. The SPEC is just like for the -m-tty parameter above but without the P flag.
Default is +a.

Remote Admin Port

The remote admin port lets you stay informed about the state of RendView while it is running and allows you to tune some settings at runtime.
Note that you have to explicitly enable the admin port to make it available and that you must specify a password.

Parameters for the admin port

The admin port understands the following parameters:
Enable the admin port. Must be set to make it usable at all; otherwise RendView will not open the TCP admin port.
Default: disabled (-no-a-enable)
Specify TCP port number to be used for the admin port.
Default: 3105
Specify access password for remote admin port. The usual password spec is supprted. (Either literal password or none for none, prompt to ask for one at startup, file:PATH to read it from a file.)
Default: Unset; you need to specify one.
Idle time in seconds: Discommect the admin shell after being idle for more than this time. Note that the idle shell can take care to send appropriate idle commands even if you do not type in any commands. The idle timeout is transferred to the shell upon connect.
Use -1 to disable.
Default: 600 sec
Time (in msec) for the complete authentication to take place. Note that this is not the time you need to type in your password.
Use -1 to disable.
Default: 5000 msec

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Last modified: 2022-11-01 14:13:40 Copyright © 2003 Wolfgang Wieser