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RendView Manual -- Terminal Output

As not uncommon, RendView writes error and warning messages to stderr while dumping verbose and debug messages to stdout.

RendView produces quite a lot of verbose output. This leads to the following problem: How can you quickly and easily see (with our eyes on the terminal) what is an error and what is just verbose output?
The solution was colored output.

By default, RendView turns on colored output if the stdout and stderr are connected to a terminal. (Switching on/off the colors is done separately for stdout and stderr.)
I actually do not know if the colors work when you are not using a linux terminal.
The colors are as follows:
Error messages are written in bold red.
Warning messages are written in red (and not bold).
Special verbose messages appear in bold blue, while
Normal verbose messages get dumped in blue (not bold) and
debug (verbose) messages get written in normal (black/white) terminal color.

As you may see, the colors are best viewed on an xterm with light background (such as light yellow or white). Unfortunately, on the default terminal with black background all the blue verbose messages cannot be seen very well. Maybe, I add some code to supply user-defined highlighting some day...

Options controlling terminal output

There are a few options which allow you to control the terminal output. Note that all these options cannot take effect before they are actually read in. For this reason, all the command line is pardsed in two steps. First, the options presented here are parsed, then all the others. Same applies to the options in the RENDVIEWARGS, etc. environment variables. Note that the env vars are read in after the command line but the command line still overrides the settings in the env vars.

Force colored output on and off, respectively.
Switch on/off the various verbose message "streams". In fact, all the verbose messages go to stdout, so there is only one file "stream", but you can still select which type messages you want.
SPEC is a list of identifiers prefixed by either "+" or "-".
Possible stream identifiers are:
misc: misc info
tdi: task driver init info (start processing/end)
tdr: task driver runtime info (kill/start...)
tsi: task source init info (per-frame blocks...)
tsp: task source param parse/setup info (skipped xy,...)
tsr0: task source runtime info level 0 (less important)
tsr1: task source runtime info level 1 (more important)
tslr: local task source runtime info (file re-naming...)
tsllr: LDR task source runtime info
dbg: debug messages
dbgv: more debug messages
all: all of the above flags (-all for none, +all for all)
I must admit, that the assigment of messages to streams should probably get tidied up a bit in the code. Maybe you find messages which use a different "stream" than they should.
The switch logic is clever enough to also switch off dbgv if you tell it to switch off dbg and consequently also switches on dbg if you specify only +dbgv. Same applies to tsr0 and tsr1.
Example: -verbose=+all-dbg-misc
Note that the spec(s) on the command line override those in an env var. You may use -verbose=+all-tdi in the env var and then pass -verbose=+tdi-dbg on the command line and thus finally get +all-dbg.

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Last modified: 2022-11-01 14:13:40 Copyright © 2003 Wolfgang Wieser